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#1 2009-06-26 17:34:18

GoD Monata


Call me!
Zarejestrowany: 2009-06-16
Posty: 30
Punktów :   

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Q - pytanie
A- odpowiedź

Q: Co zrobić ze ściągniętym silnikiem?
A: Rozpakuj ściągnięty silnik gdzie chcesz wejdź w "Config.lua". I zrób tak jak tu podaję... (W tym przypadku jest to silnik Evolution 8.1 , ale w każdym jest to samo):


-------- config.lua --------
-- Evolution 8.1 By Aciek.
-- Config file for OTServ --

-- data directory location
datadir = "data/"

-- map location
map = "data/world/Evolutions.otbm"

-- mapkind
-- options: OTBM for binary map, XML for OTX map
mapkind = "OTBM"

-- map store location (for XML only)
mapstore = "data/world/Evolutions-mapstore.xml"

-- house store location (for XML only)
housestore = "data/world/Evolutions-housestore.xml"

-- bans storage (for XML only)
banIdentifier = "data/bans.xml"

-- server name
servername = "wpisz wybrną nazwę serva"

-- server location
location = "Twój kraj"

-- server ip (the ip that server listens on)
ip = "Twoje IP"

-- server port (the port that server listens on)
port = "7171"

-- server url
url = "strona internetowa OTS'a (niepotrzebne)"

-- server owner name
ownername = "założyciel OTS'a"

-- server owner email
owneremail = "Twój e-mail (niepotrzebne)"

-- world type
-- options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "wybierz co chcesz pvp/no-pvp lub pvp-enforced"

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second)
exhausted = 1000

-- exhausted time in ms for non-aggressive spells (1000 = 1 second)
exhaustedheal = 1000

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1 second)
exhaustedadd = 1000

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1 second)
pzlocked = 5000

-- house rent period
-- options: daily, weekly, monthly
houserentperiod = "weekly"

-- motd (the message box that you sometimes get before you choose characters)
motd = "Wiadomość powitalna przed wybraniem postaci"
motdnum = "1"

-- login message
loginmsg = "Wiadomość powitalna po zalogowaniu się"

-- how many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled 
-- set to 0 to disable
logintries = 0

-- how long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip)
retrytimeout = 60*1000

-- how long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again
logintimeout = 0

-- allow clones (multiple logins of the same char)
-- options: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
allowclones = 0

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "100"

-- SQL type
-- options: mysql, sqlite
sql_type = "mysql"

--- MySQL part (ignore if you are using SQLite)
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db   = "otserv"

--- SQLite part (ignore if you are using MySQL)
sqlite_db = "db.s3db"

---------------------------- Evolutions Basic Configuration ----------------------------

-- world name (shows in the character list)
worldname = "Nazwa świata"

-- time to save the server (default = 5)
autosave = 10

-- do you want to enable cap system? (yes/no)
capsystem = "no"

-- anti-afk - maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min)
kicktime = 600 (600 = kick po 10 godzinach [wpisz co chcesz])

-- how many summons player can have
maxsummons = 3

-- maximum items in depot
maxdepotitems = 10000

-- learn spells (yes/no)
learnspells = "no"

-- do you want everyone to have premium
freepremium = "yes"

-- remove ammunation? (bolts/arrows)
removeammunation = "no"

-- remove rune charges? (sd/hmm/gfb)
removerunecharges = "no"

-- use item hotkeys? (yes/no)
itemhotkeys = "yes"

-- shoot trough battle window on players? (yes/no)
battlewindowplayers = "yes"

-- use account manager? (yes/no)
accountmanager = "yes (wpisz yes jeśli nie masz zamiaru robić acc makera na stronie internetowej (acc na stronie to dodatkowy problem)"

-- summon follows master everywhere
summonsfollow = "yes"

-- allow outfit change
outfitchange = "yes"

-- damage to players with the same feet
feetdamage = "yes"

-- guild system type (SQL only)(ingame/online)
-- online guild system requires the latest Swelia AAC
guildsystem = "ingame"

----------------------------------- Multipliers -----------------------------------

-- experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters)
expmul = (exp za potwory)

-- experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players)
expmulpvp = (exp za ludzi (tylko pvp-enfo))

-- monster lootrating (how much faster you get items from monsters)
lootmul = (loot z potworów)

-- skill multiplier (another multiplier in data/vocations.xml)
skillmul = (skille)

-- manaspent multiplier  (another multiplier in data/vocations.xml)
manamul = (mlvl)

-- how many monsters spawn at a time in 1 spawn
spawnmul = 5

-- Price for each SQM when buying a house
houseprice = 2000

-- level to buy a house
houselevel = (min lvl do kupienia domu)

-- maximum death entries per player
maxdeathentries = 10

-- max message buffer (default = 4)
-- how fast you get muted
messagebuffer = (ile wiadomości do otrzymania muted)

-- minimum action interval (default = 200)
minactioninterval = 200

-- protection for those under this level
protectionlimit = (protect przed pvp do max lvl...)

-- critical damage and chance {chance, extra damage percent}
criticaldamage = {"0", "0"}

-------------------------- Skull System configuration -------------------------

-- time to lose a white skull (1 = 1 minute)
whitetime = 1

-- time to lose one frag (1 = 1 minute)
fragtime = 1*60

-- ban unjust, how many frags you need to get banned (1 = 1 frag)
banunjust = 50

-- red skull unjust, how many frags you need to get a red skull (1 = 1 frag)
redunjust = 3

-- bantime, for how long the player is banned (1 = 1 hour)
bantime = 24*1

------------------------------- GM access rights --------------------------------

-- access to walk into houses and open house doors
accesshouse = 3

-- access to login without waiting in the queue or when server is closed
accessenter = 1

-- access to ignore damage, exhaustion, cap limit and be ignored by monsters
accessprotect = 3

-- access to broadcast messages and talk in colors (#c blabla - in public channels)
accesstalk = 1

-- access to move distant items from/to distant locations
accessremote = 3

-- access to see id and position of the item you are looking at
accesslook = 2

Q: Jakie mam IP?
A: Wejdź na: www.whatismyip.com - Twój IP wyświetla Ci się na samej górze

Q: Czemu moje IP nie działa?
A: Jeśli nie możesz się zalogować na podane IP w config.lua to masz wewnętrzny IP... Aby utworzyć OTS'a na wewnętrznym OTS'ie musisz zrobić, tzw. dedyka (7/24) [płatny] lub ściągnąć program Hamachi [darmowy].

Q: Jak zrobić Hamachi OTS?
A: Wejdź na: http://www.instalki.pl/programy/downloa … amachi.php - zainstaluj go w pliku gdzie masz programy. Po zainstalowaniu otwórz program "Hamachi". Resztę rób według zrzutów:



Q: Wszystko jest ok... Ale co z IP?
A: Wyświetlony adres IP:


Wpisz w wyznaczone miejsce:


-- server ip (the ip that server listens on)
ip = "Twoje IP"

Q: Jak się zalogować?
A: Odpal silnik, odpal Hamachi z już gotową siecią. Aby się zalogować do IP changera wpisz IP, który wpisałeś w config.lua
PS. Aby inni mogli się zalogować też muszą mieć program Hamachi, ale zamiast klikać "utwórz sieć" muszą kliknąć "dołącz do sieci" tam muszą wpisać nazwę oraz hasło do Twojej sieci Hamachi i już wszystko gotowe

Pozdrawiam ***GoD Monata

Sky OTS 8.1: www.sky-ots.pl.tl



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